Artist Sabine Gerstacker, schoene wilde Bilder
Artist Gerstacker Schöne Wilde Bilder in Öl und Druckgraphik
      Künstlerin Sabine Gerstacker aus Laufen

The Cyprus weekly, October 1993

by Glyn Hughes
giechischer Athlet mit Blume


... This was very special teaching. Sabine Gerstacker was also going around the group. It was most interesting to hear her deal with students of a different Standard.
She seemed to know instinctively what to say. And each piece of advice was perfect. Both the structure (the academic, the draughtsmanship) and the aesthetics were dealt with.

Auszug aus dem Artikel Arts von Glyn Hughes.

im Rahmen eines Lehrauftrages für Zeichnen und Malerei auf Einladung des Kultusministeriums von Zypern, zusammen mit Prof. Orfei im Oktober 1993



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Sabine Gerstacker * "Schöne Wilde Bilder"
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